In case you may be wondering, Sassy (formerly known as Sneaky) is back to his old tricks.
And, let's face it, it didn't take him long to make a return.
And, to make matters worse, it appears that Sassy doesn't seem to find candy canes to be a threat.
Doesn't that look heavenly?
Well, as I was putting the frosting on those cupcakes, my grandson was calling us on Skype. My husband showed him my handiwork and asked him whom he thought I might be making those cupcakes for.
Suddenly, I heard two voices over the phone exclaim, "For the SQUIRREL!"
Aren't they funny?
Really..... how ridiculous of an idea is that?
After all, I haven't read one thing online that says that Salted Caramel Chocolate cupcakes keep squirrels away.
Do you think that they might be onto something?
And, let's face it, it didn't take him long to make a return.
And, to make matters worse, it appears that Sassy doesn't seem to find candy canes to be a threat.
Obviously, he had no issues munching just inches away from this remaining candy cane. (The other one had dropped into the snow when Sassy jumped on the feeder.)
Once again, my pounding on the window did not work as a deterrent,
but opening the window did result in a quick scurry along the deck rail.
I thought, perhaps, Sassy was heading over to the squirrel food that I had bought special, just for him, which is mounted on the corner of the deck.
But that was just a clever ploy on his part, as he stopped to pick up some seeds that had fallen onto the railing, before making an about-turn when he thought I wasn't looking.
And, since I had chosen to stay inside this time, Sassy figured that he'd head right back for the goods.
But, something was different. Were your eyes sharp enough to pick it up?
Well, by now, you have probably noticed that Sassy suddenly earned the name of Sticky. And, to be quite frank, he didn't seem to mind.
But he finally realized the gig was up, and when he jumped onto the deck, he looked a little disheartened.
And, I'll be honest, I felt bad for Sticky. I even found myself saying "Poor thing". And when he jumped off of the railing, with that candy cane still stuck to his tail,
I felt even worse.
I watched him bounce over to the Magnolia tree, where he ran up and down, and back across the yard, with a red and white striped extension to his tail.
Yep....that candy cane was not breaking loose!
Then, suddenly, he scurried towards the deck, ducking under, and before I could attempt to figure out just what he could possibly be doing, he emerged, as you can see, candy cane free.
Sticky had become Slick. Just how did he do that? Could this be the answer to the missing candy canes? Was there an accomplice somewhere nearby?
I was tempted to take a peek under the deck, but the feeders were nearly empty by this time,
and some of the birds were turning upside down from hunger.
and the crowds were making a racket.
So, I set about filling the feeders, trying to ignore the heckling from the sidelines.
And, just as I was about to rehang the feeders, I found myself stopping, and asking myself:
What would Slick, (or should I say Sassy?) , (or would that be Sneaky?) do?
One thing was for sure, despite the candy cane debacle, I had failed to find Slick playing with the slinkys, and that hint certainly had proven to be effective at keeping him from climbing up the poles.
So, I decided that rearranging the feeders was in order.
I shortened the rope on the house feeder, hanging it in a higher spot.
Then, I ran a new wire through the squirrel proof feeder to shorten it as well.
Yes, you read that correctly. We have a squirrel proof feeder. The weight of the squirrel triggers a mechanism which thereby blocks the seed windows. But Slick figured out a long time ago, that he could give the feeder a good swat and sunflowers would fall like rain from heaven.
With the new wire loop, the feeder hangs high enough so that Slick can't just swat it, and I'm hoping the slinky keeps him from climbing up the pole to jump on it as the physics behind the hanging mechanism is compromised by the new wire. But we'll keep that our secret.
I didn't spot Slick anymore today, but I did see a pair of mourning doves checking out the new look.
And they seemed pretty happy with the freshly filled feeders.
In the meantime, I decided to bake some Salted Caramel Chocolate Cupcakes this evening.
Doesn't that look heavenly?
Well, as I was putting the frosting on those cupcakes, my grandson was calling us on Skype. My husband showed him my handiwork and asked him whom he thought I might be making those cupcakes for.
Suddenly, I heard two voices over the phone exclaim, "For the SQUIRREL!"
Aren't they funny?
Really..... how ridiculous of an idea is that?
After all, I haven't read one thing online that says that Salted Caramel Chocolate cupcakes keep squirrels away.
Do you think that they might be onto something?