Sunday, January 11, 2015

A visit to the Farm Show: Fun or Frustrating?

Marty and I decided that today would be a great day to visit the PA Farm Show.  We've gone in the past and really enjoyed ourselves. Today, however, was definitely a bit crazy.

Let me begin by saying that I had no idea that so many Steelers fans live in the Harrisburg area.  I can't tell you how many Steeler t-shirts, hats and jackets that I spied while maneuvering through the crush of visitors.  I can't help but wonder if they would have been in attendance today if the Steeler's were playing.

But, then again......we wouldn't have been there to know!

The line of cars waiting to enter the nearly full parking lot, should have been a strong indication of the crowds that we would soon find ourselves amongst.  We made our way past the tractors, through the packed food court, along a seemingly endless walkway, in search of the animals.  We passed some cows walking in the opposite direction, which is really kind of funny, because we probably looked like a cattle herd to them!   Come to think of it, one did look at us and let out a LONG MOOOO!

Finally, we were in the North Hall where we found ourselves amongst the bovines.

These two were apparently hot, since there was a fan blowing on them, and they were just loving it!

Through the hall and around the corner we spied these Alpacas.

Aren't they entertaining?

We followed the sign for Sheep and Swine and ended up in an arena brimming with both.

Here are a few photos that I snapped.
A large pink pig enjoying dreamland.

Another pink pig in what appears to be a meditative pose,

And the famous 2014 Grand Champion Hog.

How exciting was that?

And then, there were the sheep, sporting some very fashionable coats.

This was an interesting mix, although I did feel sorry for the shivering, naked sheep against the wall.

Hot pink was certainly bright.

And here you see a bright blue poncho, which made me wonder if he was ready for a trip to Scotland.

And, honestly, I cannot imagine why anyone would think that it would a good idea to dress a sheep in an animal print!  

Moving on...we were able to see the butter sculpture, which is nearly life-size.

That's a LOT of butter!

And, then there were the food categories which included candy


There were gingerbread houses, where I spotted this Log Cabin.

The Baked goods categories included items such as cupcakes, apple pies, and even a category just for Thumbprint cookies!  There were plates of them, each with a different look and filling.

Actually, I wondered how one got on the team for taste testing!  I'd be up for that....wouldn't you?

Oh, and while looking at cookies, I spotted these cute shortbread cookies:  Pink Piggies.

We walked past apples and wine, honey and pretzels, pickles and chips, just to mention a few.

My one goal of today's visit was to finally get the opportunity to try one of the famous Farm Show milkshakes which are reputed to be awesome. 

 I was up for the challenge.  

Until we walked back through the food court and saw that the lines for the shakes were so long that we would obviously be standing for quite awhile just for the opportunity to order one. 

We opted to nix the idea and head out to the car, although I will admit that I did experience some milkshake envy as I passed person after person sipping shakes through a draw and obviously relishing the experience. 

Oh well...maybe next year?   Although I must admit that if I ever go again, I'd probably pick a different day of the week.

In the meantime, we were lucky to get to the show, as snow and ice are predicted for tomorrow.

Can't say that too many people will be smiling at that forecast!

  But the farm show and snow have always seemed to go hand in hand.
And, apparently, this year is no different!

If you make it to the show this year, I hope that you get to enjoy a milkshake.  But please don't tell me how awesome it was.....OK?  

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Holiday Cheer in Staunton, Virginia

Let me begin by saying "Merry Christmas!"  I meant to write a blog earlier, but got side-tracked by an unexpected virus that sent my temperature soaring and my energy level tumbling.

But I am back on track, and after a brief delay in plans, Marty and I are on the road, eager to continue our holiday celebrating.

When the weather cooperates, this is a fabulous time of year to travel, with so many places decorated to celebrate the season.

Even the Virginia Welcome Center was in the spirit.

So far, the only snow we've seen is the fake stuff you see in that photo.  And, let's hope it stays that way, at least until we get home.

We've made this particular trip, many times over these past 3 years, but this time, we decided to try a different place to stay to break up the drive.  We are in Staunton, Virginia, the birthplace of Woodrow Wilson, and thereby, the holder of his Presidential Museum. We've been to this quaint town before, many years ago, when we actually toured the museum.  It's well worth the visit if you are ever in this area.

But tonight, we're staying at the Olde Staunton Inn B&B, where we could park the car and easily walk into the town.

The living room is decorated with a metal ornament tree:

With a cute little piggy waiting for its new owner.

and a simple mantle piece on the opposite wall.

Simple, yet lovely.

Since the weather is quite balmy, we opted to take a stroll along the main street which looks like Home Town America From the Past, with the beautifully decorated Christmas Windows.

Let me share some photos:

There was an elephant on a drum

A HUGE tree in the Cigar Store

 Santa in a Canoe

A Very Cute Snowman

And a music store decorated on one side with beautiful wooden basses and a lovely old fashioned Christmas tree

And the other featuring an Aluminum Bass from the 1930's next to a shiny aluminum tree.

Quite a clever arrangement, don't you think?

 But the best part of this arrangement for Marty is the view from our very comfy King Size Bed.

Quite a comfortable way to enjoy the game.

What can I say?


Saturday, November 8, 2014

Almost Five!

Can you believe it?  Do you remember the day this little guy entered the world?

It was nearly five years ago,  and soon I would be known as Gramma G

 and my hubby as Pap Pap G.

Of course it's obvious how this little guy couldn't help but bring so much joy into our lives.

And every visit would be filled with fun.

Year after year.

And with time flying by, of course we had to be a part of this special day today.

It  began with someone going bananas.

winning at Cha Cha Chicken

while little sister was a bit dismayed.

There was the mustache photo with Pap PapG

And some quality time with the Great Grandpaps

Who were very entertained by the birthday boy's silly knock-knock jokes.

Then it was time to celebrate 

And the singing Happy Birthday to You!

And finally, the blowing out of the candles.

Another fun and fabulous day!

Happy Birthday, little guy!   Don't grow up to fast....Please!

Monday, October 6, 2014

A Military Tribute

The family had waited since February to fulfill the last wishes of this special woman:  Col. Teresa Geisler Goldner.  And we could not have asked for a more glorious day.

As the sun shone bright early in the morning, with a slight crispness in the air, the family congregated at Arlington National Cemetery to pay tribute to this much beloved woman who accomplished so many things in her life.

But although her good deeds were certainly admirable, it was her special love for everyone who knew her that drew this close knit family together, to witness her finally being put to rest, next to her beloved husband, James, who had been buried here so many years ago.

We watched as the horse drawn caisson brought the flag draped casket to the point of departure for the funeral procession.

Teresa's ashes were ceremonially placed into a special place in the casket.

And as the air force band played "God of Our Fathers", 

 the procession to the grave began with the family members walking behind.

At this point, we walked to the grave where we waited for the religious blessing.

Father delivered a beautiful and inspiration homily, reminding us of how special Teresa was to nearly everyone who knew her.

We could finally find peace in knowing that she was with God, looking down up on us.

We stood while the ceremonial 21 gun salute echoed through the air.

And we listened to the lone bugle playing Taps.

We watched as the honor guard so meticulously folded the flag

and tenderly presented it to Regis, her younger brother.

At this point, we were treated to the sound of a bagpipe, resonating through the air a beautiful rendition of Amazing Grace.  When it was finished, Father explained to us that the bagpipes are reserved only for servicemen and women of high rank.  It was played because Teresa had the rank of Colonel.

Then the air force musicians marched in unison off into the distance.

And her younger brother sat alone, still clutching the flag that had been so tenderly placed into his hands.

One could feel the emotion in the crisp, fall air.  But we knew that Teresa would not want us to mourn, but to rejoice in the fact that she was finally home.

The comment was made several times that we were an exceptionally large crowd.  It was unprecedented to have so many in attendance at a ceremony.  Our presence certainly showed just how special this woman was to all of us.

I am honored to have been able to be a witness to this special event.

Eternal rest grant unto Teresa, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her.  May she rest in peace.  Amen.