Thursday, June 4, 2015

Rainy Day Fun

So....what do you do on a rainy morning when you're at the beach?

No worries!  There is no lack of entertainment here!

First, there was a very clever puppet show that involved monkeys jumping on a bed (or actually, jumping on a coffee table)

Skyping with a cousin who lives far away.

Pool to the house.   

After all, water is wet......right?

Much to our delight....the rain stopped mid day, so we decided to hike down to the beach.

As you can see, we had the place pretty much to ourselves.  Well...what you can see through the fog!

I got right to work helping to make a Minion Sand sculpture.

Although I think it looks more like a Cyclops, my grandson was still delighted at the finished result.

And then it was time to relax and wait for the waves to roll in.

Yep!  No lack of fun here!

But you knew that already, didn't you?

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Did Someone Say Donuts?

What better way to start the day than with a couple of helpers and a duck peeking over the counter?

What shall we make?  

Donuts....of course.

When Marty had mentioned that we could walk to Duck Donuts from where we are staying, my grandson immediately informed Pap Pap that we didn't need to buy donuts.....we had Gramma G!

Luckily, I don't need to get up at 5:30 to make them!

We got right to work:  one stirred the dry ingredients

The other mixed the wet

Didn't get any shots of the actual "making" of the donuts since it required both of my hands!  But, I did get a picture of sprinkle sprinkler.

And, of course, the tasting of the donuts.  Which were, by the way, awesome!

With full tummies, we headed to the beach while the sun was still shining.

Where everyone immediately became immersed in fun.

There was one attempt to get in some snorkeling..

But the water was too frigid!  BRRR!!

At one point, I lost track of the little one, but found her busily digging a hole.

We were having a grand time!

But Mother Nature had a different plan for us, and we suddenly found ourselves indoors....

The weather cleared, briefly, so that we could enjoy this awesome view of the moon.

And, that's the last clear sky that we've seen since.

And, I'm not really sure when we'll see clear skies again. worries.....I'm sure we'll find something fun to do.....what do you think?

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


What can be better than starting off the month of June with a trip to the beach?

And what makes it even better?  The company that joins us!  

Believe me, it didn't take long for the crew to change and head out upon our arrival on Sunday night.

And it shouldn't surprise you to learn that Marty wasted no time loading up the bait which somehow managed to survive the trip with us.

It wasn't too long before he actually had success:  DOUBLE the fun, and even bigger bait!

He's still hoping for another hit.

In the meantime, we certainly aren't wasting anytime having fun!

There was a birthday to celebrate!

with help blowing out the candles.

Learning how to surf.

Some boogey boarding with just a little wipe out.

And we can't forget about little sister.   She needs some fun, too!

There were lessons on how to plant little feet in anticipation of the waves rolling in.


And, of course, there was some digging.

and playing in the make shift pool.

Did I mention digging?

And there was this catch of the day by Jim.  It took nearly half an hour for him to real that red drum in!

Someone got quite tuckered out by all of the excitement.

But had no problem perking up in the evening for some puzzle making!

I'd rate this day as pretty near perfect. 
And, do you know what's even better?

We get to start all over again tomorrow!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Did Someone Say Fishing?

Most of you may not realize this, but I consider my husband to be a fishing fanatic. Once trout season arrives, he looks for just about any opportunity that he can find to fulfill his desire to catch fish.

Personally, I just don't get it.  I can't imagine why anyone would find satisfaction hanging out with bugs waiting for some creature to latch onto a hook that has been implanted into a worm for enticement.

But, hey.....if it makes him happy.....who am I to complain....right?

So, you can only imagine the excitement my husband felt when our grandson expressed the desire to go fishing the next time we visited.

We arrived around noon time, and within the hour,  my grandson and I found ourselves being escorted to the local Bass Pro shop in search of a kid sized fishing rod.

It didn't take long for the little guy to decide on an Iron Man fishing rod as his choice, and we were soon heading out the door with a cup of fresh worms and rod in hand.

We headed back home to pick up Aunt Amy and Mommy, and we somehow all squeezed into the Subaru for the short trip to Steel Creek  to experience the first fishing adventure in Tennessee.

We had been told that this was the best location as fish have been known to travel in large schools, and jump out in eagerness after a mere piece of bread.  

Would we be be able to stand the excitement?

Well....let me just say that the fishy stories that we heard from those whom we sought advice were just that......very fishy!

But, that certainly didn't keep Grandpa G from casting a line into the water.

And, after switching locations a few times, we finally found a spot where we had some success.

How's that for the very first fish?

We tried to get the little guy to continue with the "kissing of the fish" family tradition, but this was about as close as he got.

And, to be quite honest....I don't blame him!