Things have certainly been humming along this summer….
Aren't these creatures just gorgeous? I can't help but smile when I see them fluttering outside the window.
But then…..THIS happened!
Large black ants decided to spoil my fun.
The only consolation that I have is that all of them died after ruining my sweet nectar for the birds.
In all my years of hanging hummingbird feeders, not once have I had such an ant attack occur.
And, to be quite frank, I can't think of one cute thing about an ant….unlike Sneaky Snacky Squirrel, who obviously wanted to raid the food supply, but was certainly an adorable looking creature.
Ants, on the other hand…..have absolutely no redeemable qualities in my mind.
So, I put some thought into just how I am going to foil future ant raids. I ruled out the candy cane idea, which worked for Sneaky but seems to be more than an attractant than a deterrent for ants.
The Slinky idea, although quite successful in keeping Sneaky off of the feeders, seemed like just more of an opportunity for ants to make their way up the pole, although there might be the possibility that they would be dizzy by the time they got to the top.
Upon further investigation, I see that I have the option of making a moat in an attempt to drown the creatures prior to their reaching the food supply.
Or, I could grease the pole with Vaseline, but that seems kind of a yucky idea to me.
I could hang a bay leaf, which I do have, but I'm not so convinced that a bay leaf will stay hanging long enough to deter ants.
I could try rubbing chalk on the pole. Chalk is supposed to have some sort of quality that ants prefer not to cross, but that would require running outside and reapplying every time it rains. Not something I'm quite enthusiastic about doing.
And, last but not least….there is the application of sticky tape. Apparently the ants stick to it on the way up. Do I want to look out and see ants in multitude? Well, the pole is already black, so, perhaps it won't be that noticeable.
Or, better yet, perhaps a bird will think that the ant would make a nice snack, and spare me the ugliness of their demise.
I think I'll give it a try. Here's hoping!