He is quite the entertainer, dressed in his native attire, still attempting to woo the audience, with the ladies loving every minute. When his performance began, he spotted an elderly woman in a wheelchair who was dressed in her Slovak finery and obviously enjoying every minute of his singing. She was 95 years old, and her daughter had placed her in the front row for the performance. Knowing that her mother was quite happy watching the entertainment, the daughter sneaked off to take a peek at some of the beautiful Slovak items that were featured in the displays around the perimeter of the room. As Jozef began singing, he grabbed the elderly woman's wheelchair, and wheeled her into the performance area with him. She was having the time of her life, shaking her hands to the music, absolutely loving all of the attention. In the meantime, I noticed that her daughter was making her way back to the spot where she had left her mother. There was obvious panic in her face as she scanned the audience looking for any sign of her mother. I realized that this woman had no idea that her mother was on the floor with Jozef. I caught her eye, and I pointed to the floor where her mother was still having a grand time singing along with Jozef. The woman let out a huge sigh of relief, came over to me, shaking her head and said, "I thought to myself, 'Surely, no one would taken Mother!'" I thought I'd share the fun by inserting a video clip of this event.
You can find more videos and photos of the Slovak fun on my flickr site which is featured at the bottom of my blog.
What a cute video and wonderful story, Barb! You and Marty always find a way to have fun, and I admire that greatly. Keep sharing your adventures!