Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Wild times in Western Arizona

Finally, Marty and I got to enjoy some sun in the morning before the Wild crew showed up to meet the Pa cousins. These folks sure do know how to have a Wild time, befitting of their surname.  The house was filled with babies:  six month twins, Indigo and Marley and nine month old Mackenzie, three little girls who surely have melted their grandparents' hearts, that's for sure.  Cousins came wandering in throughout the day, but not before we managed to check out some of the Glendale highlights, including a local candy store where one can actually see the employees hard at work dipping the chocolate.
The day was surely a sweet one in more ways than one.
It's a darn good thing that we managed to soak up some of the sun's rays because the news from home tells me that we will be heading back to a cold winter wonderland tomorrow evening.


  1. We had some unexpected snow. But it's back in the 30s and brilliantly sunny now. Sounds like you had a wonderful trip!

  2. Well, Barbara - you won't be surprised to hear it will be a bit cool and rainy this weekend. You know - typical AZ weather... ha ha.
    Keep warm by that fireplace kids.
    Aunt Susie
