This year was no exception, and one of the standouts in this house has been "A Muppet Christmas Carol". One needs a particular sense of humor to really enjoy the Muppets, but this family seems to have what it takes to laugh our heads off when immersed in one of their creations. When we realized that there was a new Muppet movie in the theaters, the girls and I decided that today would be an excellent opportunity for all of us to go together to the theater to see it, something we rarely do.
The first challenge was finding a theater that was actually running the movie. The fact that the film seemed to have disappeared from so many venues was, in itself, quite comical, since the premise of the new movie is that the Muppets have been forgotten, and are attempting to stage a comeback. Easy come....easy go, I suppose.
But, as luck would have it, there was a theater in Lititz that was still featuring The Muppets, so we all headed out and even brought along a family friend to be part of the fun.
And, fun it was. Between Amy and Stacey on one end, and me on the other, our friend couldn't help but get caught up in the laughter as we howled through so many scenes in the movie. Memories for the making.
The photo features three time clocks on the wall of the theater. It does appear that Lancaster is 30 seconds behind or ahead of the other two towns. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you the significance of these three clocks on the wall. I'd like to think that they are a reminder to us to make time for memories.
Holiday movie outings do make for wonderful memories. I don't believe that I've ever seen a Muppet movie, but now I'm curious.... My most-recent holiday movie memory was from in the mid-80s when Blake and I went with his family to see "One Magic Christmas." ALL of the adults were crying and passing around the Kleenex, while the younger members of the family looked at us as if we were nuts. Believe it or not, it still makes me laugh to think about it! But these days, I'd enjoy seeing a holiday movie that makes me laugh until the tears come. I'll check the local theater listings and see if there's one that fits the bill. Thanks for sharing the joy!