Monday, May 7, 2012

A Sacramental Weekend

Today was certainly a special one for me.  I had the honor of standing as "sponsor" for my niece as she was confirmed today.

As I followed her down the aisle, in anticipation of placing my hand on her right shoulder as she was sealed with the Holy Spirit, I couldn't help but remember that day, so many years ago, when I had held her as a baby on her baptism day. Strong emotions ran through me as I realized just how special this day was and that I was privileged to have been asked to be a part of it.  This little baby had grown to be a young lady, and she had chosen me to be her sponsor. 

Isn't she so beautiful?

While I was at church celebrating this special sacrament with my godchild, Marty was at the house, entertaining the rest of the crew.  "Uncle Marty" was a huge hit with the little ones as well as the older kids.  How could he not  have a grand time?  

He had no trouble keeping everyone in control:

Actually, the donuts were an earlier ploy on Marty's part, probably to earn points for good behavior later.  

In any event, a good time was had by all and the outside weather of pouring rain, thunder and lightening didn't dampen our spirits as we celebrated.

And the best way to finish off such a celebration?  Cake, of course.

It tasted even better than it looks!

1 comment:

  1. What an honor for you, Barbara! I'm happy to hear that it was such lovely weekend, despite the weather. As you and I agree, it's all in your perspective. :-)
