Today was an off day for me, as we are staying in a B&B off the beaten track, north of Kirkcaldy and any adventures would involve me hiking about 2 1/2 miles to the train, and after all of the walking this past week, I decided just to stay and enjoy my surroundings.
Our room is on the top floor in the front of Dunnikier House Hotel. It is on the far left of the photo as you look at it. We have a lovely view of the Firth of Forth from the room.

Our room is on the top floor in the front of Dunnikier House Hotel. It is on the far left of the photo as you look at it. We have a lovely view of the Firth of Forth from the room.
If you look closely you can see two little white dogs romping along the path with their owners strolling along behind. I had a great time watching those two dogs running back and forth in circles on the property, always returning to their owners when called. Great afternoon entertainment.
I ventured out this morning for a walk since the weather was perfect. Sunny with just a bit of a chill.
As I walked along, I turned around to photograph the Dunnikier
And here is a photo from the street. The hotel is there in the middle, believe it or not.
As you can see, the place is more than a wee bit from the road.
And, just for the record, golfing is obviously not permitted on the front lawn.
I had quite an enjoyable walk, returning through Dunnikier park which is adjacent to the hotel. In the back of the hotel there is a golf course which was quite busy today. As I could hear them on the other side of the hedge, wondering if I needed to worry about a errant ball hitting me in the head, I actually thought to myself, that if I played golf, this would have been the perfect day to do so.
But instead I spent the day enjoying a great meal in the restaurant for lunch, and reading a book, first by the fire in the lobby, and then by the window of the room.
So, today's blog doesn't have anything too exciting to share.
Wait! Except that being in Scotland, I was able to watch an episode of Downton Abbey that will not be released in the United States until January. Amy and I have enjoyed this Masterpiece Theater program in the past, and we were both looking forward to Series 3. So, this was definitely a treat for me!
Unfortunately, it was obvious that a LOT happened since this new series began, but I still have those episodes to look forward to this winter. And, don't worry, I don't plan on leaking any secrets in the meantime.
Also, something that I've been meaning to mention. This is in reference to the word, Slippy. Coming from Pittsburgh, I never realized that this word is not one that is used regularly in other parts of the country until I moved to Berks County, where the local people were not familiar with the word. I just added it to the list of Pittsburgh words like Yinz, gumband, worsh, etc.
But guess what? I've heard the word several times while in Scotland. Particularly in Dunfermline.
So, I have a theory. I can't help but wonder if the word originated in Pittsburgh from Andrew Carnegie and the Scots who emigrated to the Pittsburgh area. After all, there has to be some link.
Oh, and I also forgot to mention a VERY important fact related to Stonehaven. This is the birthplace of the man who invented the pneumatic tire, Robert Thompson. Now there's a great piece of info to pass along, don't you think? Everywhere we go, we find some interesting fact worth passing on. You really must admit, the Scots really do have an incredible history.
In the meantime, I leave you with an evening view from the window in our room, taken just as the sun was setting. The light blue in the background is the Firth.
Tomorrow we transfer to a different hotel, closer to a train link, so that I can go out exploring if I choose to. It won't offer this type of view, but I'm fairly certain that there will be some type of excitement that I will be able to share.
After all, I haven't disappointed you so far, have I?
You never disappoint, Barbara! xo