Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

All is good here, how about at your place?

We had some special friends over for dessert tonight. The general consensus was that the pies were Fabulous, the crusts were flaky and delicious, and the Scottish Cream Cheesecake was delectable.

The Pumpkin Custard was apparently tasty, and no one questioned the unusual presentation.

But, to be quite honest with you, the friends whom we invited came to enjoy our company.  They are not food critics.  And we had such a great time with them.   Memories to warm the heart.

We enjoyed each other's company, laughing and having a grand time.....just as a holiday should be celebrated.

Nope.....they didn't come for the dessert.

But.....come to think of it, they did all have seconds, perhaps they did come for the desert after all!

I hope that you all had an equally exciting day.  Happy Thanksgiving!!

1 comment:

  1. How is Scottish Creme Cheesecake different from regular cheesecake?

    Thanksgiving was different this year. I just found out I am lactose intolerant so there were quite a few changes to tradition. It was still tasty.
