Beach Time!
Time to load up the car for our annual family trip to the beach. And load up the car we did!
We used to take four kids and all of their stuff. Now, we only take stuff. Good thing, too, because there doesn't seem to be room for any kids once we've loaded up!
The weather was great. The traffic was surprisingly light. And we even managed to arrive earlier than planned.
It appears that Marty's "shortcut" must have been legit this year. (The first year he decided to try a shortcut for this particular location, despite us all leaving home at the same time, the kids arrived an hour before we did and they live 125 miles further from the ocean than we do.)
In all honesty, today's "shortcut" wasn't about saving time. It's about dodging a $6.00 toll that was recently imposed on the main highway to the OuterBanks that is obviously set up to target vacationers, since the fee doubles on the weekend. We've redirected this route in the past, and found it to add only about 2 minutes to the drive. Well worth the savings for the slight inconvenience. At least Marty thought so.
But, this year, when Marty set up Tom Tom for the trip, he clicked on the "avoid toll roads" option. So we exited when instructed without much thought.
Soon, we were driving in what appeared to be No Man's Land. Don't believe me? Well, let's just say that our travels found us driving through Dismal Swamp.
And, just when we wondered if we made the wrong decision, Marty noticed the road sign: Short Cut Road. Divine Providence, perhaps?
Well, we did arrive earlier than expected, and managed to pick up the keys and get the car unloaded way ahead of schedule. The only downfall was a power outage shortly after our arrival, but that was remedied within a few hours.
And, it wasn't long until we were Relaxin' at the beach you think that I might be having fun?
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