Well, if you are feeling nostalgic, may I suggest a trip to the Pennsylvania Trolley Museum which is located in Washington, just south of Pittsburgh?
If you love history, you won't be disappointed. The museum houses numerous photos from a different era, featuring, of course, trolleys. Most of the display is geared towards the Pittsburgh area, but other cities were noted as well.
One of my favorite photos from the past was one that I never knew existed:
I certainly found it to be entertaining.
Admission to the museum includes an authentic trolley ride which is featured once every hour. So, after spending time looking through the photo collection, we meandered around and managed to entertain ourselves.
The ride on the trolley was certainly exciting. After a friendly greeting by the conductor, we were given a brief history and then the bumpy ride began, complete with the ringing of the bell and the blowing of the whistle when we crossed over the highway.
Did I say that it was exciting?
The trolley took us to a huge warehouse which housed dozens of retired trolleys, some dating back to the days when they were pulled by horses, or by mules, as was the case in Pittsburgh.
I'd venture to say that we saw just about every era of trolley that ever existed.....all in one place.
Lots of fun for little kids as well as us "oldies"!
If you're in the area and looking for something unique to do, check it out. I think you'll find the people to be quite "neighborly"!
The trolley museum looks like lots of fun. And this is one activity I think I could do. The children sure looked like they were enjoying themselves. Too bad we never visited your part of the world while we lived in Bristol.