Did that grab your attention? I know that it sure brought a chuckle to my face when I first saw it!
I had absolutely no idea what that photo represented until today when I strolled into a local shop and ended up having a lovely conversation with the owner, who insisted on making me a cup of Chamomile Tea (at no charge) while I perused the store and she filled me in on some Jewish history.
The photo represents the Jewish Holiday of Purim, a joyous event that celebrates the time Jewish people were saved from extermination by the Persians, dating back to the book of Esther in the Old Testament. The people here liken it to our Halloween, but the children don't go door to door asking for candy. They do dress up and celebrate, and I suppose that I'll find out more to share, as the weekend unfolds.
I never really expected to venture out today, but what a treat for me, to have met this absolutely delightful woman who went out of her way to make me feel welcome on my last day here in Haifa.
I had questioned why Marty's company would set him up in a hotel that involves driving over an hour each day, to and from work. The trip can be stressful, particularly when GPS Lady directs him into a designated bus lane and he has to figure out an alternate route.
Well, in answer to my question about location, I learned that Haifa is the 3rd largest city in Israel, and the most Metropolitan. Apparently more people speak English here, which, actually has me kind of concerned for my future gallivanting as I seem to be running into the non-speaking people in this city.
Until today. The woman whom I mentioned spoke English beautifully.
So, before I take leave of the city of Haifa, I thought that I'd open your eyes to several aspects of this city that took me by surprise. Some I consider to be rather quirky. Others I'd consider to be downright obnoxious.
But why don't you decide for yourself?
Large city = lots of drivers on the road.
Lots of seemingly impatient, angry drivers on the road.
And just why would I think that? Because I have never heard so much incessant horn-blowing anywhere in my life. Not in New York City, not in Washington DC, not in Pittsburgh, never anywhere in Scotland.
If you slow down for one second and the driver behind you thinks you should not….. BEEP!!
If you stop to let a pedestrian cross……BEEP!
If you are a pedestrian and you are near a crosswalk looking as if you will cross……BEEP!
If you are a pedestrian walking at a fast pace in the direction of a crosswalk……BEEP!
(Apparently it is easier to beep and let the pedestrian know that you have no intention of stopping, than to actually stop.)
If you change lanes and the guy behind you doesn't like it…..BEEP!
If the guy behind you doesn't like what you're thinking……BEEP!
Ok, so I made up the last one. Obviously, the guy behind you can't know what you are thinking, but he will beep his horn at you for what appears to be no obvious reason.
so…..who really knows?
You name it….they beep.
I swear….these Israeli drivers will honk their horn if they think that you are just looking at them funny!
Pedestrians (Drivers…cont.)
And, forget about trying to walk across the street at a designated cross walk, unless there is a light that you can regulate with a button.
Don't even risk putting a toe on that cross walk…..unless there are no automobiles in sight.
So, I ask: Why even bother having marked crossings?
(Don't worry….I'm not expecting an answer.)
Parking (drivers….cont. 2)
And while I am on the subject of automobiles and drivers, I noticed that if there isn't enough room to squeeze in for a parking space, drivers just pull up on the sidewalk.
I was quite surprised when I first saw this, but now…I am not.
Sidewalk Safety (or lack thereof)
Which brings me to the safety limitations of the sidewalks. I don't know about you, but I have always thought that sidewalks were designed for the safety of the pedestrian.
Do you walk down a sidewalk, peering over your shoulder, in the event that a motorized vehicle just might be coming your way?
I never worried about it……until I was in Haifa.
and I was nearly wiped out by a "foodbulance".
Yes….I have written that word correctly. One night, I was nearly run over by three of them within a short time of each other. In fact, we began to wonder if it was the same one attempting to see if he cold succeed in knocking me down!
What is a foodbulance, you ask? (well, even if you didn't ask, I'm going to tell you.)
Answer: Motorcycles designed with special contraption on the back, the size of a small microwave, designed for the intent purpose of delivering food.
I don't think you have to be dying to have the food delivered….or even sick, for that matter…just hungry.
But Marty and I both think that a foodbulance should have an ambulance nearby, in the event one wipes out a pedestrian on the way to deliver someone's precious dinner!
Ok, so maybe this isn't quirky. And, let's face it…..I'm a tourist. Let me clarify that I am referring to LARGE groups of people who come to an area for the sole purpose of touring. Most have a leader who carries a flag and wears a funny hat.
I have seen few Americans here in Haifa, but this hotel is turning over tourists every couple of days. They are generally of some Hebrew descent since they speak the language fluently.
They seem to have some sense of entitlement, particularly when it comes to elevators and breakfast buffets.
Patience does NOT seem to be a word in their vocabulary!!
They will see just how many of their group can squeeze into an elevator, rather than wait for another to arrive, even though there are four elevators to choose from.
When Marty and I checked into the hotel, we made our way to the elevator just as a tour bus of hotel patrons were returning for the day. It was obvious that we didn't dare make a move.
So, we waited for a break in the action and entered the elevator in what we thought was just in the nick of time.
No such luck!
Another wave of tourists came running in from the bus, and even though the doors were closing, they stormed the doors and began to squeeze into the space with us. I found myself in the corner, crushed against the side, nearly sitting on my suitcase and holding my carry-on over my head. I felt like Gumby.
Marty was wearing his backpack, and one women seemed to think that he was responsible for the door not closing at each floor where the elevator stopped, and she kept tugging on his pack, over and over. I could see that the backpack was not an issue, but far be it from me to say anything. We were already the victims of glares, as if we had no right to be in the elevator when they wanted to board it.
Finally, when we were alone, we looked at each other, sort of in shock at what we had just witnessed. Great way to begin a visit, don't you think?
I'm not going to elaborate on breakfast with these groups, but let me just say that, in my best interest, I attempted to stay out of their way. They load more food on a plate than I eat in a day. Honestly, I've never seen anything like it in my life. I've never even seen my 6 ft. 3 in. son-in-law eat that much food in one sitting. I can't figure out how they do it.
Cell phones (Tourists….cont.)
Ok, so this may not be so quirky either. I realize that we have a problem nearly everywhere with cell phone users invading quiet space.
But, here, the abuse is much more predominant. The Hebrew language involves a lot of harsh sounding words. When listening, it sounds as if one is always yelling at another (which they may very well be doing, since I don't really know what they are saying.)
And not only do they speak loudly, it seems that the cell phone ringer needs to be obnoxiously loud. Forget about a relaxing lunch….it's just not going to happen.
Now, this will probably upset some of my blog followers. Cats are everywhere here in Israel. One cannot eat outside at a restaurant without being accosted by one of the creatures.
Everywhere you look…..there is a cat lurking. They are just about everywhere, slinking up to you, mewing relentlessly, hoping for a pat on the head or a morsel to eat.
I even had a few try following me down the street! Perhaps they are the Israeli version of the Roma. Only, I don't think that they know how to pick-pocket. But I better keep my eye on them….just in case.
In just ten minutes, I spotted one by the park by the Carousel
another hanging out in a tree
one lurking down a sidewalk
and this one scowling at me while I took this photo.
Note that they all seem to be well fed, and most of them are very friendly, as Marty will attest to.
Perhaps this is why there is a large statue of a cat in one of the local neighborhoods.
Crazy, don't you think?
I was walking through the zoo the other day, which is right next to a school, when I heard a lovely melody bellowing through the air as if to alert the students that it was lunchtime, or that it was time to change classes.
What was the tune?
Brahm's Lullaby. (we know it as "go to sleep…go to sleep…go to sleep little baby…) Perhaps the intention was to get the zoo animals to take a little nappy. Who knows?
The next day, I was walking through the German Colony when yet again, I heard an alarm, around the same time of day. This time the music was "Rock-a-bye Baby" (you know….on the tree top…when the wind blows…the cradle will rock.) Luckily, I didn't see any baby cradles, because it was rather windy that day.
But yesterday's was the best. I walked out of the museum, around the same time of day, and I suddenly heard the song that Shroeder plays on the piano in the Charlie Brown Christmas movie. It's the first tune that he plunks out when she asked him to play a song for the show. Unfortunately, I don't remember the name. But the image immediately popped into my head and I couldn't help but smile.
The other evening, Marty and I were walking through the pedestrian mall that is attached to the hotel, and we realized that the music playing in the background was an instrumental version of the Twelve Days of Christmas.
Luckily, the song only lasted to the golden rings. That certainly took us by surprise.
And even today, while walking through the same mall, I suddenly recognized one of the songs as "We Three Kings of Orient Are", again, all instrumental. Perhaps they forgot to change out the Christmas Music, only not all of the songs are holiday in nature. Puzzling, for sure.
Cooling Towers in Technocolor
Right about in the middle of this photo is a set of cooling towers that belong to the Electric Company.
Well, those two towers light up at night.
Here's a close up shot that I took while Marty was driving on our way back from Akko the other night. They took me quite by surprise as we entered the city, and I made a point of looking for them from the Promenade outside our hotel.
They actually look pretty cool at a distance, don't you think?
Just looking at cooling towers in technicolor might entice you to make a trip to the electric company museum, where, for a fee, you can see for yourself the working facets of this utility plant.
I passed on that opportunity.
Hidden Hair Dryers
When I travel overseas, I always rely on the hotel or B&B where I am staying, to supply the hair dyer., which is rarely found in the actual bathroom. In fact, most don't even have a plug in the bathroom, so one is forced to dry hair outside of the bathroom. No problem for me.
Generally, the dryers are relatively easy to find. In this case, I had a bit of a search, but finally found it in the desk drawer.
Perhaps this location was intended to aid the business person who needs to dry hair while using the desk. But I can tell you that it wasn't convenient for me when Marty was using the desk for work on his computer.
Why would that be an issue? Because the short-corded dryer base was bolted into the desk drawer!
So, you can't dry your hair unless the drawer is open, which pretty much rules out being able to use the desk at the same time.
Perhaps there is a practical purpose that I am missing. Feel free to comment or send me an e-mail if you have an idea that supports this design.
Well, that pretty much ends my analysis of Haifa.
Marty has just returned with a container of cookies in celebration of Purim, that someone at work gave to him.
One of them is supposedly designed to represent the Persian King's Ear. I suppose the idea is to get even with the king for attempting to annihilate the Jewish Community back in the day.
Now, isn't that a delightful thought?
I'd probably find the whole idea a lot more offensive if I thought that the cookie actually looked like an ear.
Does anyone else see an ear in that photo?
I'm looking forward to hearing from those of you who do!
You literally made me laugh out loud while reading this wonderful blog on a variety of fun topics! Thank you! Know that your description of cars, drivers, and pedestrian activity in Haifa would also describe my memories of the same in Rome (back in '79). So now I'm wondering if you've ever been to Rome? I will also comment that they probably bolt the hairdryer in the desk drawer to keep it from being stolen. I guess practicality and catering to the hotel "guests" is low on their priority list. :-)