Sunday, May 4, 2014

A Tea Time Celebration

There were delectable treats…

how about just one more?

Sweet confections you couldn't help but adore,

And shiny presents piled high on the floor.

Packages were wrapped with pink bows on top

It seemed like the fun would continue non-stop

and of course there was all of that bubble wrap to pop.

Each decorative gift offered some kind of surprise

like the painting by Grandma that bought tears to her eyes

or the hand made garter which this model surmised

belonged on the head and not one of the thighs!  

The ribbons were meticulously woven with thread

resulting in this glorious  adornment  for her head

an age old tradition for brides who will wed.

This group of young ladies, all dressed with flair

hosted a truly glorious affair

designed to honor this soon-to-be wed pair:

And it was Fabulous!


  1. What a precious time y'all had. Thank you for sharing the joy and delight with all of us. But your poetry... Well, that made me smile.

    Blessings to you,

  2. Loved your poetic take on a fun and festive occasion; well done, my friend!
