Sunday, April 12, 2015

Close Call for Snacky!

This morning, I was in the kitchen, making breakfast with my grandson, when Snacky showed up just outside the kitchen window, on the ledge, under the feeders.  Ever since the candy cane debacle,  he seems to be quite satisfied just cleaning up the seeds that fall from the feeders.

That certainly makes me happy!

When Snacky suddenly popped up onto the railing, I mentioned to my grandson that there was a squirrel on the deck.  He was standing at the window, just about 3 feet from Snacky, and I ran to grab my camera so that I could capture another photo.

I was just zooming-in when my grandson decided to pound on the window, which set Snacky scurrying.  Obviously, this was a missed photo opportunity, so I turned off the camera.

Within seconds, I noticed an extremely large bird land on the railing, spread its wings, and bob its head a bit, facing our direction.

Suddenly, I realized that I was looking straight into the eyes of a rather large HAWK!

I tried to capture a photo, but wouldn't you know, by the time the lens was focused, the creature was up and flying away, having been foiled in its attempt to secure breakfast right before our eyes!

Do you comprehend what almost happened?

Snacky was nearly the Snack!

Whew!  That was a close call for sure!  I've determined that my grandson can now be considered a hero, and, in my opinion, Snacky just might want to consider returning to his previous Sneaky status. After all, now that I have squirrel existence in happy harmony,  I'd hate to see all of that effort wiped out in just a matter of seconds!

Don't you agree?


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