Sunday, August 30, 2015

Another "Grand" day for Gramma

As predicted, Saturday was yet another fun-filled day.

Aunt Amy came over early, and wasted no time getting the cookie baking started.

Rolling Dough Balls

Pressing them flat

Don't they look like cookie pros?   

The end result were delectable shortbread cookies, but you'll have to take my word for that since we were so busy enjoying them that I forgot to take a photo.

There was a game of Jenga

Then we headed outside for some baseball with Gramma G pitching

but her sidekick got a bit distracted

After Aunt Amy gave her some batting tips, it was time for this cutie to try a swing or two.

 She hit it!

Then, she tried her hand at some pitching.

Ok, so perhaps she needs some practice. 

Then it was time for some swinging

where a little caterpillar decided to drop from a tree and join along.

It was really moving fast, making it a bit difficult to photograph, but apparently squinting made it easier to see.

Of course, we couldn't pass on some slides.

Doesn't that look like fun?

We bid Aunt Amy good-bye and kept busy waiting for PapPap to show up.

These two made some awesome garlic bread to to with the homemade spaghetti made from Gramma G's home grown tomatoes. 

Finally, Pap Pap G arrived and we enjoyed another great meal, followed by some of that home made peace ice cream from yesterday.  Yummy!

Then it was time for the ultimate evening excitement, which involved the full moon

Pap Pap G......  and a telescope!

It was an exciting moment for Pap Pap and his grandson while they analyzed the craters in the moon, but, alas, the clouds moved, unfortunately,  there was no star gazing!

But that left more time for Pookie stories from Pap Pap G.

What better feeling can there be, than hearing strings of giggles echoing down the hallway?

Yep, it was certainly a fun day, can't you tell?

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