Sunday, January 1, 2017

Busy in Bristol

We certainly don't get to see this little guy often enough, but we sure do know how to have a LOT of fun in a short amount of time!

First order of the day:  Blackbird bakery where sprinkles are a must!

Selfie taken with my new camera

Posing with Grandpa G's new shirt.

Which then prompted a trip to the new Cabela's  (at least new since we've last been here).

Cozy by the fire

Posing with a deer

Interesting fish

who appeared to be checking out the little guy's hat with the neon yellow pom pom.

A hop in the Invincible

Raking leaves (which a five year thinks is lots of fun....and apparently so does Grandpa G!)

And a game of Star Wars Battleship

where the little guy beat Gramma G.

It was SUCH a busy New Year's Eve day that we were pretty much exhausted by 10:00 pm and in bed shortly after 11:00!

So much for ringing in the new year!  

Hope your celebration was wonderful and may I wish you all a Happy New Year!

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