Tuesday, July 4, 2017

A Quick Stop in Lexington

We bid fond farewell to this little guy.

It was a fun trip, although that we were informed that we did not complete everything on his list.
I told him to make sure to save them for next time!

The drive is a long one, so we decided to break up the trip with a stop in Lexington, where we stayed, once again, at the Robert E Lee hotel.  I won't go into too many details, as I have blogged about this quaint town a couple of times in the past.

I had noted that there was a balloon launch going on July 3 and 4th, but despite our trying, we didn't see one!

Here is the view from our room:

The perfect view of where the event was scheduled to take place.

But they must have been hidden down in the valley because despite walking all around the town looking for just a peek of a balloon, we had no luck.

But the scenery certainly didn't disappoint.  Here you see Lee Chapel.

Where I captured Marty taking yet ANOTHER picture of Traveler, Robert E. Lee's precious horse who  is buried behind the chapel.  ( Every time we visit, he can't resist stopping by to say hello.)

And, Traveler must sense it, because while eating dinner, I looked up to see this:

And he watched us eat our entire meal!

Off to the highway!  Hope you have a fabulous day!!

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