Friday, September 28, 2018


The one predictable aspect in my life is that life is often totally unpredictable.  My close friends will attest to that fact. And so, when it seemed that all was going smoothly in respect to a last minute trip that I had planned to celebrate my 60th birthday, I should have been suspicious when I found myself strapped in my seat on the plane, with Marty at my side, ready to take off on time.

An hour later,  we were walking off the plane, hoping that another could be found in its place, and when we were assured that was, indeed, the case, and we’d be boarding soon, it turned out that the crew had run off and was MIA for a good hour.  When they finally returned, (after frantically being paged over the loudspeaker several times), each was carrying a box of food as they headed to the terminal gate.  Honestly, I’m surprised that there wasn’t a passenger revolt!

The plane was filled to capacity, and believe it or not,  I heard not one complaint, although I was extremely tempted to ask the crew how dinner was as we boarded for the second time.  But I behaved myself and was eagerly awaiting take off when it was announced that the entertainment system wasn’t working and a repair crew had been called to service it.  We would be delayed another 10 or 15 minutes.

About half an hour later, we were told that the repair team was MIA and nowhere to be found.  My first reaction was to ask if they were chowing down somewhere, but I kept my comment to myself.  No use causing a ruckus, right?  And, to be quite frank, by this time, everyone was so tired that most passengers just wanted to sleep and didn’t give a hoot about entertainment, so the decision was made to take off without it.

Much to our relief, the plane took off and landed without incident, just about 4 hours later than scheduled.  And,much to our delight, the weather was crisp and the skies were brilliantly blue upon arrival.  Quite a change from what we had left behind, and such a welcome pleasure!

The Edinburgh airport has undergone a major change from a year ago, so we found ourselves in unfamiliar territory, but I must admit that passport control continued to be as friendly as in the past, and we couldn’t have felt more welcome upon arrival.

So prepare yourself for 9 days of gallivanting adventures as we explore the Southern area of Scotland on this trip!

In the meantime, here’s a photo of Marty and me at the airport, upon stepping out the doors.

Just look at that beautiful blue sky! You know how the weather in Scotland can be......totally unpredictable! But we certainly aren’t complaining!

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