Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Celebrating Spring

Easter was so special this year that I couldn't let the season pass without sharing just a few of the delights of the weekend.  I think that most of us have learned this past year, that we just can't take these moments for granted. The priest said it well when he commented that we are joyful because Lent is over....and that Lent this particular season was extra long......over a year, in fact.  Just how on the mark was that? We shut down in mid-March of 2020 and are only now beginning to emerge in April of 2021.  

Sure, we had Technology to keep us in touch, but there's nothing like being present in the moment, side by side, enjoying companionship of those whom we've missed, and that's exactly what happened on Easter this year.  

Our youngest daughter, Amy, bought a house in late fall, and she has been working furiously on remodeling it to make it her "home".  So, it seemed the perfect venue to welcome family who hadn't seen each other in well over a year.  She was quite excited by the prospect, and I must say, we certainly all did have an enjoyable time.  Her generally quiet home was buzzing with excitement from Saturday afternoon until Monday morning, filled with the exuberance of little ones excited to be visiting Aunt "Mimi"!  

And, to be quite frank, it was like a vacation for me.  All I needed to do was show up with the traditional butter lamb.  (That's because the mold was handed down to me a few years ago.)  

Amy made the paska ( was delicious) 

and braided cheesecakes; Stacey made the nut rolls (all also delicious....would you expect anything less?) ; and my mother made all of the traditional Slovak foods that have been served on Easter for generations, taking them to be blessed on Holy Saturday as part of that same tradition.

But I wasn't a complete slacker....I did make the Cyrek (Easter Cheese) on Amy's stove, so that she could learn how it was done.  

But I'm getting ahead of myself here.   On Saturday, the kiddies arrived:  cousins who hadn't seen each other for well over a year.  And that's when the REAL excitement started.

Rocket launching (how could that NOT be a fun time?)

A cute bunny

Rock chalking,

The idea was to "color" the rocks so that they looked like eggs...then hide them.

All were on board for that!

Dinner from BRGR....ordered in.

Dying eggs

which, as you can see, resulted in an array of brilliant colors!

And, we closed off the day with magnatile structures.

which we somehow managed to keep away from Parker long enough to get a photo.  He's sort of like Godzilla when it comes to finished structures like these. He takes pleasure in knocking them down.

But it's all in good fun.

Easter morning began with the excitement of hunting down baskets.  Here are some happy smiles of success.

Gramma was put in charge of kiddo control

which always adds to the fun!

Then, the cousins arrived for the outdoor Easter Egg hunt.

Oops!  Looks like one was missed.

Perhaps someone should tell the bunny?

And someone decided that more eggs would be fun! So, she set out to coloring! Nothing like keeping the fun going.

In the meantime, these two were obviously enjoying quite a laugh...

and then, Great Grandpa showed up!   

Actually, Marty played chauffeur for the day, driving up to get both of my parents and bringing them to Amy's for this special day out.  Just look at how happy my Dad is!

We didn't miss the opportunity of getting a photo of the great grandparents with 5 of their great-grandchildren.  

And thanks to Apple watch technology, we were able to get a photo of the entire group!

As you can see, it was a lovely, sunny day, and we certainly the summer rays outside. 

Then, it was time to move inside for dinner.  

We lit the candle, and sat down to enjoy a scrumptious meal.

with some special after dinner moments as well.

I couldn't help but remember how many photos I had seen of people sitting around that same table, with the cabinet in the background, over the years, at different locations, of course.  My great Uncle Paul made that furniture for he and my Aunt Winnie, and and it has been lovingly cared for all these years.  So many happy memories, and now the traditions continue.  In fact, when Amy bought her house, she told her realtor that she needed a dining room that would fit this furniture. How lucky that she found a house that satisfied the need! 

Stacey got some special shots with each of her children with their Great Grandpa before Marty loaded he and mom into the car for the ride home.

I'd say he looks pretty happy.  Wouldn't you?

And, now you can see just why I felt the need to share the moments from the weekend.  My gallivanting days might be limited, but, luckily, I don't have to travel too far to continue the adventures!

Hope you enjoyed this one!

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