Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Gallivanting at the Philadelphia Flower Show

 I'll be honest here, my travels today were far from "gallivanting" and more like "ambling," but I felt lucky that Marty and I were able to make it to the Philadelphia Convention Center for the annual flower show today.   

Shortly after our previously reported Wellsboro adventure, I found myself with some sort of leg issue that resulted in a sudden trip to an orthopedic urgent care.  So, here I am, six weeks later, venturing out for the first time, with encouragement from my physical therapist who has been instrumental in helping me regain some semblance of mobility. 

He suggested that I just sit and rest when I felt it necessary. Which is really kind of a naive comment considering the crowds that flock to this show annually.  But, I was able to find some respite when 2 women from Rochester, New York, generously shared a bench with me.  We struck up a very entertaining conversation and it was delightful way to pass the time for a few minutes until I could get moving again.  

So, let me share some of the amazing floral displays that we managed to view: 

This grandiose display welcomed us as soon as we walked through the entrance door.

The lighting was a bit tricky, as you can see by the glare in the next photo, but it didn't diminish the beauty  by any means.  

Just around the corner, I spied what appeared to be a map of the United States constructed from flower petals.   When I managed to get closer, I saw that the petals extend across the ocean into Europe.  But I found it to be such a clever way to catch one's attention. 

The car  featured suitcases strapped on the back, a dog, and two people in the front seat, one holding a paper map in her hand. 

Upon closer inspection, one can see that the paper mâché figures are made using old maps.  How clever is that?  And, how great that we know exactly what a paper map looks like?  

These next three photos are part of a grouping by one designer.

Bluebird houses caught my eye

as well as varied scenery, uniquely displayed throughout the hall.

This display was set up by an orchid company.  What you see are vanilla pods drying on a bench.  The aroma teased my senses. 

And, around the corner were the vines still holding green vanilla pods, with a scattering of "Kenny" Cymbidium in the foreground.

There were several examples of floral dining ideas

as well as quite a number of pergolas, each unique in its own way. 

This lovely gazebo stood  in the distance of the above photo.

I found the Mad Hatter Tea party to be quite creative

Look closely and you will see the hat on the red chair, a face in that giant rose on the right, with the clock to its left and a purple tea kettle seemingly floating in the air. 

Next to it was the dinosaur display. 

which had some interesting and unusual florals interspersed throughout. 

A local horticulture society featured brightly painted bee hives

as well as another community garden display.

Here you see "Dancing Spirit" featuring Australian Wild Flowers

and the Contessa, flocked by Italian White Lilies

A couple other displays grabbed my attention with the effect of mixing different florals as well as medians resulting in beautiful landscapes. 

The Philadelphia Cactus & Succulent Society featured some entertaining "stuffies" 

as well as some unique succulents. 

And, this unusual display of "Royal Tools" was quite a surprise.  Who knew that King George VI had time for gardening?  How clever that those same tools have been saved to put on display here in Philadelphia? 

Having visited quite a number of English Gardens, I found the British Game to be quite fitting.  One must grow the best garden with the least weeds. I'm not sure we'd win at that one. 

There was even a gardening book devoted just to little girls that was mixed among the Great Britain articles. 

And finally, I'll leave you with some ideas in case you might be considering sprucing up your front door entrance way.

What a fun project that would have been to work on! 

After several hours immersed in plants and flowers, we decided that we'd seen enough and headed to the Reading Terminal Market where I enjoyed a delicious Turkish Coffee Smoothie before we headed home. 

Thanks for following along, and I hope you enjoyed the virtual tour! 

Until next time.....(I'm thinking positively)....

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