Sunday, August 7, 2011

And Then came the RAIN!!

The day began with a bright blue sky and puffy clouds, seemingly perfect, particularly for Edinburgh where it rains most of the time.  Marty and I managed to climb to the top of Arthur's Seat...not an easy feat for someone existing on just 2 and a half hours of sleep! The views were spectacular, as predicted.
How lucky were we to manage to view these spectacular vistas?  Within an hour of our descending the trail,  we felt the raindrops so typical of this country.
Within the hour, drops changed to torrential rain, soaking us to the bone, despite being armed with appropriate rain gear.  We both spent some time blow drying our shoes when we got back to the B&B.
Despite the weather, the city is filled with people hoping to celebrate the festival of the Fringe!  Narrow sidewalks and umbrellas make it challenging to maneuver, but so far, everyone has been in quite an upbeat mood.
My favorite moment was in the pub ladies room last evening.  There was this charming older woman fretting about how wet she was.  I mentioned how comfy her woolen shawl looked, and she made a comment about the horrid weather.  I looked at her and said, "You could have traveled all the way from America for this."  And she said, in the cutest Scottish accent, "That's it!  I am NEVER complaining again!"  How cute!
Gotta run.
Check out the flickr photos.

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