Saturday, June 17, 2017

A Full Day of Fun

Since the weather forecast predicted thunderstorms rolling in at 4:00 in the afternoon, Jim and the kids headed down to the beach early to make the most of the day on the sand.

First on the agenda:  Build a sand castle! By the time Gramma G made it to the beach, the construction was complete, and the crew was relaxing, just waiting for the waves to roll in.

High tide wasn't to hit for hours yet,  or so it seemed. 

Apparently the tide had its own plans yesterday.

which resulted in a sneak attack and a quick change of plans! (And a VERY wet towel!)

But it certainly made a fun wading pool!

Next on the agenda:  Build a sand sculpture.  Specifically:  BB-8. 

Now, those of you who know me well, know that I am not a fan of Star Wars.  I don't begrudge anyone else their fascination with the subject, but it's just not something that appeals to me.  So, when Amy told my grandson that they should build BB-8, I announced that I would be happy to help.

Are you impressed with my handiwork?

No worries if you aren't.  It didn't seem to get any oohs and ahhs from the rest of the gang here either.

But, this, of course, did:

The remainder of the day involved watching the tide wipe out the castle

as well as the construction of the "indoor" pool for the kids to enjoy.

Which they did.

Pap Pap tried his hand at some fishing, but came up empty handed.

And, we took a short walk down the beach to check out the sand building project that had relocated further south along the shore. 

You can see the pipe set up to shoot the sand along the dune.

The set up was just about the location where we had stayed last year.

We managed to get the little ones into the ocean, which they seemed to thoroughly enjoy, as the water was actually quite warm. 

And then, just around 4:00 pm, Marty spotted lightening in the distance, so we packed up our stuff and headed back to the house for yet another entertaining evening. 

The say a picture is worth a thousand words, and I couldn't agree more! 

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