Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Square Foot Gardening

Do you remember that awesome garden that Marty constructed, complete with an arbor for growing vines, and solar lights attached to the posts for that "special" touch?  Just to refresh your mind,  here's a photo of his handiwork from days past.

It certainly may be beautiful, but its function was diminished due to the shade of trees that were planted over 30 years ago.  Last summer resulted in an abundance of weeds and sweet  potatoes, but limited supplies of anything else planted. 

So, the garden was dismantled, and a new shed was built in its place. 

And, as luck would have it, the old shed had stood on a perfectly sunny area of our backyard, just waiting for a garden to spruce up the spot. 

I'll admit that I was quite skeptical that a garden would actually be part of this summer's agenda.  There is no doubt that some effort is involved, but, more importantly, time would be a determining factor, and let's face it......we just haven't been home much on weekends, and it seems when time would be available, there was rain....lots and lots of rain.  

I couldn't resist picking up some garden plants around Easter, but soon determined that I would need to plant them in pots if I wanted them to survive.   When the weather finally got warm, I put them out on my deck for safe keeping, and there they have stood for well over a month, acclimating well to the outdoors. 

I"m not quite sure what gave Marty the motivation to start a garden project this weekend.  Perhaps the tomatoes were calling his name.  It certainly was the perfect opportunity as we were home, and the weather was actually quite nice on Saturday.  So, he pulled out his birthday gift from Becky, "Square Foot Gardening", and started reading up on how to construct raised beds for gardening. 

I was excited about the prospect of planting in raised beds as the look is so clean, and weeding is minimal.  Much to my surprise, my husband had two boxes built in just a few hours! 

The location seemed perfect, although the author might disagree.  He claims that the garden should be within sight of windows in the house.  He likens the plants to children, and he feels that it is important to be able to keep an eye on them:

" Remember the Square Foot Garden way is to treat your plants just like you treat your children or grandchildren, and you know you would be glancing out the window at them.  I believe that every plant out there is constantly seeking your attention by saying, 'Look at me, look at my new blossom, look how big I'm getting.'"

Sorry, but I just can't bring myself to get that emotionally attached to my tomatoes.  After all, what would they think when I picked the fruit to eat it?  Better not to form any attachments if you ask me. 

So, we stuck with our original plan to put the beds in the spot where the shed stood prior to being dismantled. which isn't too far from the Apple Tree if one of the plants is looking for a tasty treat.  

With the beds in place, I was given the responsibility of transplanting the plants from the pots into their newfound home. 

Now, I'll admit that I'm not the best gardener.  My parents, on the other hand,  have always had an awesome garden.  Come to think of it, their garden is within eyesight of every back window.  Perhaps the author is onto something here.  I'll have to ask them if the asparagus waves at them on occasion.  

I wish that I had inherited their green thumb, but such is not the case.  Part of my issue is that I seem to attract swarms of pesky bugs the minute I step foot near a garden.  And, just for the record,  I am not keen on being eaten alive.  Even yesterday, which by all accounts looked dismal and dreary, I no sooner took my spade to the ground when I found myself being bombarded as part of a tasty snack to several of the buzzing creatures.  And, they were relentless, going for the eyes and ears and ankles. And, I didn't hear one of those plants thank me for risking my life moving them into a healthier environment.  Just saying.  

I had faced the enemy....and came out alive.  And had this lovely garden to show for it.

As I was planting, I noticed some movement just a few feet away and when I looked up, I gazed upon two large rabbits, obviously planning their newfound menu for the week.  That prompted me to have Marty put some of the old lattice around the beds.  No use tempting fate....or in this case...bunnies, right? 

This morning, I headed out early, while the bugs were still snoozing, and planted some beets and zucchini in the other bed.  In about 10 days, I should have some new family members seeking my attention.

Something definitely to look forward to, don't you think? 

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