Friday, June 16, 2017

In House Entertainment

No Sunshine on Thursday!  Just very grey had been predicted by a local, who had assured Marty that the fishing conditions would change with the weather.  And guess what?

He was right!

Both Marty and Jim had success catching a Red Drum!   And Marty also caught a Sea Trout, but you are just going to have to take his word for that, as no photos exist to prove it. 

And the weather didn't stop us from heading down to the beach.  In fact, the cloudy skies kept the conditions quite comfortable, particularly for our feet, as the sand on previous days had been scorching hot!

So, it was the perfect weather for a running game on the beach.

And the cooler temperatures were perfect for babies!

As you can see by the smiles!  (I can't take credit for most of these photos, but as you can see, my daughter-in-law is quite accomplished at capturing the moment!) 

Dinner involved some GREAT helpers!

And lots of playtime as well!

Yep, another fabulous day, for sure!

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