Thursday, August 19, 2010

The day was just Ducky

Feast your eyes upon the excitement of the day:  Amy and her nephew sporting their
"Duckwear". The evening ended up rainy again, but we never seem to run out of rainy day fun options to keep us entertained.
I tagged along with Marty and Amy as they went kayaking in the sound.  I struck up an interesting conversation with a 10 year old boy who was apparently a blue crab-catching expert.  He was sure to give me all of the ins and outs and tips on how to catch these creatures.  I spied what he had managed to catch that morning, and those crabs were huge!
After heading back to the house, I eventually headed down to the beach for a little while, and watched Marty pull in a flapping croaker.  Once that fish heard that he would make great bait, there was no holding onto him.  He flopped out of Marty's hands three times, but I did manage to get at least one photo.  Marty tells me that he caught three more croakers, but I had headed up to the house by that point. The weather was drizzly and overcast, so the girls and I decided to venture out into the town for a bit, where we picked up the shirt to match Amy's from last year.
We had a wonderful in-house dinner again this evening, and the entertainment was a game called "Munchkin" which Jim thinks is the best game ever.  I can't say that the girls and I agree with his review.  Stacey ended up winning, with me as a close second, but, somehow, all kinds of rules ended up surfacing just when I thought I had the game in my hand.  But it's not winning that counts anyway, is it?
Or course not.  That is why my kids are once again playing a game of Canasta, accusing each other of cheating as the game continues, putting Jim primarily in the wrong.  What else is new?

1 comment:

  1. So funny to hear that other families accuse each other of cheating during game-playing. I bet it's that way in EVERY family! Such great memories are made that way, though. Reading your blog these past several days reminded me that family vacations at the beach somehow yield the best memories. Keep enjoying your family and the shore!
