Friday, August 20, 2010

A Perfect Day at the Beach

You certainly can't ask for a better day at the beach then what we were blessed to have today.
The sky was a brilliant blue, the weather not too hot.  The water was considerably warmer than yesterday and crystal clear. I even ventured out into the surf for awhile and was amazed that I could see the bottom of the ocean despite walking out quite a distance from the shore.
The kids built a large sand castle in the afternoon, and later in the day, Marty and Jim had one of the most exciting fishing days at the beach.  You can see lots of fish photos on my flickr site.

At first, Amy and I began to question whether or not Marty was catching the same fish over and over, as it looked suspiciously similar each time he reeled one in.  He caught several mullets, some spots and a few flounder, one big enough to cook up for dinner.

This final catch caused some excitement, having broken the line on the rod.  He was flopping all over the beach, and for a brief moment I feared that Mr. Flounder was going to flop right back into the surf (which he actually did at one point, but Marty luckily had quick hands) and get washed right back into the ocean.  But we managed to barricade the guy until Jim was able to retrieve a bucket for us to pop him into.

Marty filleted the flounder and Jim cooked up some tasty fried flounder fillets for dinner. I don't think that you could ask for a better day at the beach.  But we still have tomorrow, so who knows?

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