Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Here Fishy fishy....

This morning, as we sat on the beach watching the waves crashing on the shore, enjoying the beautiful weather, Marty decided to share his fishing strategy with me. He and  Jim had noticed that the water was quite cold, and there seemed to be a drop in the ocean floor just a few feet out from the shoreline.  The combination of the cold water with the extra depth so close to the shoreline would most certainly result in perfect fishing conditions just after high tide.
(Little did they know that the weather would change to overcast with an impending storm on the horizon, sealing the fate for several hungry fishies. )
Their sharp, decisive analysis resulted in Jim pulling in two flounder, one munching on his finger with its very sharp razor like teeth while Jim attempted to remove the hook, and for Marty:  one croaker, a pompano, and two flounder.
The best memory of the day for me, was turning around to see Marty walking towards me with one hand holding his rod with  a Pompano attached while his other hand was grasping a wriggling flounder. as if he decided to just grab it in the ocean.  It turned out that he had actually caught two fish simultaneously, and that the one had broken loose from the line, and Marty had grabbed it in his hand. 
I had suggested that Marty just keep the Pompano on the hook as is, and throw it back out into the ocean as bait.  It made sense to me that this fish would be perfect in attracting a larger catch, but my suggestion was scoffed at by the two apparent pros. 
This is probably why I don't fish. For those of you who share my lack of fishing enthusiasm,  the rest of the day was certainly interesting with thunderstorms rolling in. We sat in the loft room and watched the lightning strike all around us while the rain pelleted the windows.
Not sure what tomorrow will bring, but I hear that there is a strong possibility that we will not be enjoying the sunrise or the sunset.  Perhaps I'll take my brother's suggestion and try to sleep in.

1 comment:

  1. I laughed about your advice re: fishing being ignored and saying it's probably why you don't fish. I was taken fishing once in Manzanillo, Mexico, in the early eighties, and all I remember was getting sick from the diesel fumes on the boat..., and a little seasick. Don't want to go there again. Enjoy your time together!
