Saturday, August 21, 2010

Last Day at the Beach

This morning was, once again, a glorious beginning to the day.  Marty and I walked down to the beach to see the sunrise.  It was just past high tide, and Marty decided that he would do some fishing while the beach was empty.  He immediately caught a 15 inch flounder which we will enjoy, once again, for dinner.
I forgot to mention the spotting of dolphins, yesterday, as they swam north along the water.  This morning, Marty and I spotted dolphins, considerably closer to the shore, traveling south, this time.  You can see a shot that I managed to capture on my flickr site.
The water was crystal clear and warm, once again, and I even ventured out to do some boogie-boarding with Marty.  I could see Amy, camera in hand,  waiting for me to come riding in on a wave, but I must tell you that I had to leave her disappointed.
The last day at the beach is always a bit of a bummer.  We enjoyed the day to the fullest, but we needed to get back to clean up the house and pack the car for an early departure in the morning. 
As the kids used to say when they were young, "I didn't have enough fun yet!"


  1. So sad when vacation is over. Two weeks on the West Coast wasn't even enough for me this time.... I agree with your kids!

  2. Just got a chance to catch up on your blog posts. I love the fishing stories. I had no idea that Marty was such an angler.

    BTW, did you have any jelly fish? My sister was near Duck (Corolla maybe?) just last week, and the water was so filled with them, they couldn't swim!
